Orange BUG membership is a great way to support cycling in your region. For a small contribution you can support our efforts in advocacy for more cycling opportunities and facilities in the region.
The membership fee is $10 per person and $20 per family (up to 5 persons). Orange Bicycle User Group Inc is an incorporated not-for-profit community organisation.
We advocate on behalf of people who ride bicycles who live and work in the Central West area.
We are an Incorporated club affiliated with Bicycle NSW. We ride for a variety of reasons: transport, recreation, exercise or just for fun.
Your membership fee goes towards the everyday running of the club including, but not limited to:
Promotional materials.
Cycling advocacy activities organised by the BUG.
Running costs (incorporation fees, club expenses, first aid kits etc).
You do not have to be a member to join our rides, however as a member you :
Have input into the rides organised by the group
Have input into our advocacy initiatives
Develop your cycling and ride leadership skills
Help promote cycling in the Central West region.
Can vote at the BUG AGM
IMPORTANT: Membership of Orange BUG does not provide personal ride insurance. BUG Members can claim discounts for ride insurance (scroll down for more info)
Hopefully we’ll see you on one of our rides.
Please make direct deposit with payee name to:
Orange Bugs Incorporated
BSB: 802 129 (Orange Credit Union)
Account: 100097366